Wednesday, 8 November 2017

Used as her toy - VR, Fixed free version


Here's the free version of the fixed VR scene of the used as her toy video.

Nausea warning! Some of the movements are pretty intense.
The ones with the 2D360 tag are monoscopic. Mostly ment to be used with a monitor. Any 360 video player should be fine. Kolor is an example.
If you have a headset, I suggest trying the stereoscopic versions  (tagged 3DVR). 

Recommended players 
PC VR: Whirligig, VR Desktop
PSVR: Littlstar
Monitor: Kolor
Phones: I've never used phone VR myself, so I can't help you there, as there's multiple options. But any 360 VR player should be fine. Just make sure it has a stereoscopic option, if you want to view those.

As always, you can get these in slightly better quality from my Patreon. I decided to leave the framerate at 60 for the free version here, as a lower framerate is a bit problematic in VR. I did leave a 30 fps 2D version however, as some older devices might not be able to run videos at 60 fps.

Monoscopic: 1920x1080 vs 3840x1920
Stereoscopic: 2560x1440 vs 3840x2160(h264)/3840x3840 (h265)

Note: Unless you have a PC VR device, it's very likely that the higher res versions won't run smoothly. At least a regular PS4 will have some lag on the 3840x2160 version, but the 1440p version should work. I'm not sure if it's the same case with the Pro.

Let me know of any problems. I might not be able to help you with them however, depending on how old your viewing device is. But I believe you should be fine, as long as your phone supports at least cardboard.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hey. I can't seem to download the file from MEGA. Is there any alternative?

    1. You can also get it on, here:

  3. Hey i love your vr video :) is there any chance of a new unbirth vr being made?

  4. There are, like, four videos that all seem the same. What's the difference between them?

    1. 2D and 3D version, higher and lower quality version of both. It's written in the filenames which is which.
