Thursday, 11 August 2022

Succubus animation, there is no release estimate for Final yet


I've noticed some people claiming there's a release coming in August. I'm not sure where these people have gotten this info, but it is false. The final release for the Succubus animation is still months away. I won't give an estimate on the Final release, until I'm reasonably certain, that I can deliver in that time frame, nor have I done so at any point during this project. This is due to the heavily missed estimates during Dimini Part 2

What is estimated for end of August, are the playblasts (WIP previews) for Ending 2 & 3. Ending 1 playblast was released a bit over a week ago. So story wise the clip is almost finished, but there's still a lot of work to be done before final release.

Things left to do, and rough estimates for steps:
  • Endings 2 & 3 (Roughly 1 Playblast's worth of work) (Estimate August/Early September) Done
  • Lipsync (Estimate Early/Mid October)
  • Some missing secondary animations (tits, tail and other things that mostly just "follow" along) (Estimate Early/Mid October)
  • Some animation polishing, possibly some re-timing of some shots (Estimate Early/Mid October)
  • Some minor animation polishing left
  • Simulations (At least hair, possibly some liquids, will need to experiment if I can get considerably better results with it, compared to what I can do manually) (Probably roughly a month's work? Depends on the quality I'm aiming for)
  • Master's Clothes for the intro parts (This and the remaining steps will likely take anywhere from 1-2 months, and while unlikely 3 isn't impossible either. Again depends on how much work I want to put quality wise)
  • Lighting
  • Material Tuning 
  • Rendering (Around 1-2 months for this and the remaining steps)
  • Post processing
  • Some potential final audio tweaking 

So, while I'm nearing the ending stretch of the project, a lot of those remaining things can take a lot of time to do. I'm fairly confident the animation will come out during the 1st quarter of 2023, but as always, I won't make any guarantees, until I'm close enough to release, that I'm essentially certain there wont' be any bigger delays at least.

For more info on the current project, see: