Wednesday 28 June 2017

Patreon is up, with a new video & version of the old VR scene!


Just posting to inform anyone who reads this blog, that my patreon page is up. And with it, a new video and a new version of the POV Vore VR scene.

Link to Patreon 

Link to video on pornhub

Link to mega for free version of the new video 

Link to new VR scene version


  1. Just commenting here as I don't have a patreon acc.

    Can confirm with vive there is clipping on the current version as well as the menu does not show up

    1. Thanks, did you try the other version? I was thinking that steamvr might determine the clipping plane a bit differently than the rift. The original version had problems on a normal screen as well, this one doesn't. It has problems with a rift though. On the default world scale, there's a lot of flickering.!H85hjRBL!ajgz2jnWByslIVRWmiGKP9UHaoUgEiRpuWd8AcIyEAs

      Here's a direct link to it.
