Monday 8 April 2024

March Mini-Loop VR Version, Clara's Stomach Tease


The VR version of the latest loop has been released, and the full resolution version can be found on my Subscribestar page.

For the free lower res version you can go to the public library folder here:

Free Public Gallery Folder

or for a direct link to the free version of the video in question:

Free version

Recommended VR players: SkyboxVR or DeoVR

There's a slight bulging happening on the phone, that I haven't been able to fix. I assume it's something to do with the renderer I use, and a slight mismatch between it and how these players handle the lens type. Zooming in with a video player can mitigate it a bit, something around a 1.3x-1.5x zoom. But it's not too distracting in my opinion, even with the slight bulging.

That's all for now!


  1. when’s the next release?

  2. Wondering the same. Patiently of course lol
