Saturday 1 August 2020

About release estimates & the upcoming game part


As you have no doubt noticed, Chapter 2 Part 1 of Diminishment has been taking quite a bit longer than my initial estimates were predicting! 

I've been expecting to get it done as early as at the end of May, I might have even thought I could get it done by April at some point, if I'm not remembering wrong. Those were all dates that I thought I could match, but that turned out to be a fools errand. 

I realize that I've never promised anything, and I've tried my best to make it clear, that my estimates are always on the optimistic side, and usually the first possible date of release I believe possible. But I do still get the occasional complaint of being dishonest, although granted, not from the paying customers. I think I've seen only one complaint from a patron so far, and if anyone's asked, I've yet to refuse a refund. Although I'm not entirely sure if that is possible on subscribestar. 

I'd hate for people to think I'm intentionally lying to get more people to subscribe, so from now on, I'll refrain from giving any kind of estimates on any final releases, until I believe I'm at most a week away from it, to avoid misunderstandings between a release estimate and a release date. The only release estimates I'll be giving, are to subscribers about WIP materials, which are more frequent and usually don't fluctuate more than a week.

Why has this part taken so much longer than the previous one?

First, it's longer and more complex, at least animation footage wise, compared to the previous chapters. I'm trying a lot of new things this time, like new render techniques, fluid simulations, and some cloth simulations. The new hair system that you've seen in the more recent videos also takes quite a bit more work with the looping nature of the game's video clips. It's much harder to guess the amount of work required, when you're doing something you really haven't done before.

Second, it's not taken that much longer than the previous part, considering nearly half of the time was spent on the 3 mini-animations that came out before I started working on this properly. I think Ch1Pt3 took roughly 6 months, while this one has now taken about 7 months. I only started properly animating this after Bootyful Incident was done, which came out early January.

What's left to do before release:
  • A couple workdays worth of render prep still left for the intro part
  • Writing dialogue
  • Constructing the actual Unity scene
  • Audio 
  • Post-processing
  • Portraits
  • Possibly some background renders for the non event parts, if required, although I might use place holder stock photos
I am working as fast as I can, and I've basically taken no breaks since the start of June. I want this out as much as you do, so I can finally take some proper time off, ideally, while there's still some summer left to enjoy.

Any questions regarding any potential release dates will be ignored from now on. My guess is often as good as yours. 

Thank you for reading, I hope you have a nice day!


  1. Take your time.
    While I have little experience with 3D rendering, I know how hard it can be to estimate how long creative work will take. And how rushing goes against every instinct because one wants the result to be as good as it can be.
    Your stuff is _always_ worth the wait.

  2. Complaints? People are really weird these days. We wouldn't call those "estimate" if they were certain dates. I did some animation/modelling in past and judging with your content's quality, I can assure that I understand what kind of things you are getting through. There are so many potantial risks/errors that can come up while you don't expect. There are many segments about animation/modelling/rendering and every segment has its flaws. I won't even talk about polishing part. When you are working on projects like these, it's so risky to give some date. Even estimates. Take as much time as you need.

  3. Will u ubdate the list when you have somthing finished?

  4. well, people complaining also mean they really look forward to your work, so take that as a compliment! Your work really IS amazing! Anyway, don't rush things and don't burn out from overworking yourself. It will be done when it will be done! Cheers!

  5. Hi eskoz I have seen your decision and I think it was the best option and I support it in its entirety, a very good job and I hope that soon you can relax and you can rest thank you very much for your work.

  6. Take your time dude. Your works are awesome! You're the best animator! Thank you very much for your work!! :))

  7. Good for you, eskoz. I'm so tired of seeing all these people hassling you for updates or progress reports or release estimates. This is a great way to say "It'll be done when it's done." I'm sure it'll be worth the wait.

  8. The fact that you release ANYTHING for free is more than enough for me. You won't hear me complaining about release dates or scope creep.

  9. infesteddragoon3 August 2020 at 07:30

    hey, take all the time you need! the games fun, sexy, and the fact that its free to play and enjoy is a cherry on top. quality takes time after all :)

  10. As far as I can see this blog is not linked in your Patreon / Substribestar.
    Could you not simply state the ETA here, but not on Patreon / Substribestar? That way nobody would accuse you of false advertizing.

  11. i'm just excited to see a post from you in so long!

  12. I was never complaining but I have to admit, it wasnt very nice to see the Release date getting delayed over and over again.
    We are all burning for your work and you dissapoint people with so many delays. So its funny because after your last delay I was asking myself why you not ending this "estimate Release thing". You delay way to often for that and make people angry. I think you are chosing the right path now.

    1. what it makes people angry is not Eskoz's problem. It's problem of these people. Eskoz works as fast as he can. Especially many of these angry people ARE NOT patreon subscribers. They will get content FOR FREE. And they cry "ah damn why so many delay why so long u're so bad eskoz". Instead of to donate to Eskoz and support him, they cry "why so long".

    2. how does he know if many persons who are complaining get his stuff for free?

      I dont support him the whole year either, until he releases a new game part. Then I pay him 10 Dollars to get it earlyer. Before this donation, eskoz will think I am a non supporter and will get his content for free. Not a good point from you.
      And what makes people angry "IS" his problem, otherwise he wouldnt change the way he keeps people stay tuned aber his game. all I said was I think he is going the right way now. Better than upset people by changing the release date over and over and over again. I wasnt happy, too. I know he did as fast as he can. But I think he has to stop with the delays and start talking about a release when he is sure he can deliver. Thats what he does now. So it is fine for me.

  13. Heya, will this chapter continue on from the last, and if not will it be a different character?

    1. It will be a continuation. Not to get into spoiler talk, but Nina and you get caught by anya and clara in the school. That’s all that is known.

    2. really ?! damn i'm looking forward to this

  14. hey man, super excited to see the next chapter coming this summer, as far as i'm concerned, the longer it takes, the better it's gonna be :D

  15. You are the best, that is all

  16. I want to say, this is just for me, but when some people tell me I need to wait, just make me more excited for the final work because, well this very talented person its needs more time to make this work better, so well, it will be better than I expected first

  17. so, how is it going?

  18. 3 months Post Prossesing Audio? Sorry but you don't blame us if we not believe your words en the future.

    1. While it certainly is taking longer than with the previous parts, I'm not sure where you're getting the 3 months from. It's been roughly a month since I started work on post, more specifically 36 days.

      Post has been done for a couple weeks, I just haven't updated the status here. If you want to follow the progress more closely, go to instead.

      The release will happen, when the part is ready, regardless of what people believe.

    2. Apart from the fact that dates are no longer given, the few updates on the site for months of the image that development is stalling, regardless of whether internally it is not the case, so the public persists for that reason.

  19. Take your time ! Your game are really super cool ! It is hard to wait the release but it worth the patience :)

  20. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. I appreciate the info, unfortunately there's really not much I can do about it. It is what it is.

      Luckily most people who enjoy content, are willing to pay for it, even if there's an unofficial link available somewhere, so I don't think it's having a massive impact on me, so I try my best not to worry about it too much!

    2. I removed your comment, since it was directly referring to the website it's been shared on.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. I've been trying to run the WIP version of the game but it keeps me on the main menu, so I went back into your MEGA files link and the recordings aren't there. If you could, I'd like some advice on what to do

  23. I saw that the new version is already available in some parts, when will you upload it to this webpage?

  24. Are there any plans to add VR support to this (like the Oculus Rift)? Great work btw!

  25. this would be a wild vr game!
